
austin2103 avatar image
austin2103 asked

Validate Solar Panel Sizing Assumptions

I need help with math and assumptions in order to size my solar panels.

Assumptions: Our boat consumes 6500w of energy on average each day (24hr). If I assume 5 hours of daily charging opportunity (Caribbean), that equates to 1300w per hour. Assuming 70% of full charging effectiveness then I need 1857w of solar panels to meet the need. I know the sun angle across the 5 hours changes the max charging capability. I'm just using simple math for now.

In order to return that energy back into the batteries each day (5 hr), I would need a charging rate of at least 108ah (1300w/12v) sustained for those 5 hours.

Is my math and assumption correct?

As for MPPT sizing, I need one or more MPPT to total more than 108amp charging capability. If I split my 1857w of solar into 3 sections, I would use 3 MPPT.

Am I missing anything?

Solar Panel
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1 Answer
iand avatar image
iand answered ·

Suggest you go here and enter all your details -- use the "off-grid" page:

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