
danne avatar image
danne asked

Orion Tr smart non isolated 12/12-30 can´t start

We just bought the Orion Tr smart 12/12 30 non isolated to charge our LiFePo battery while driving. We connected it this way: +IN is directly connected to the plus on the starter battery. GRND is connected to our smart shunt minus. The remote on/off (wire bridge) is removed as said in the user manual. The LiFePo isn´t connected yet because the Orion Tr smart can´t get any signal. Means the LED isn´t blinking or on.

What could be the reason for this?

Thanks for your help.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

try putting the remote on/off link back in. Victron remote inputs usually turn off if open circuit.

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Nick avatar image
Nick answered ·

Measure Voltage at the Input and confirm you have current okay, the Orion has a built in non user replaceable input fuse...perhaps your unit is DOA out of the box or you somehow blew the input fuse. Did you use a suitable inline 60A fuse to the input +ve

1) Remove bridge wire during installation

2) Connect input cable from battery

3) Set up Battery type and parameters in app

4) Connect battery to be charged

5) Reconnect the bridge to activate

Am sure this is what you've done except if you cannot see the device in your Victron app to configure then you have stopped at step 3, hence why I would measure the voltage at the input terminal and if present but still no power, RMA it.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Firstly, it's correct that the L H bridge must be there, unless you have decided to use the alternative setups, which will have single wires to L or H.

Check the load side of the shunt is earthed/grounded with sufficiently heavy wire. (Full Orion load plus allowance for any other loads it may carry). This ground must reach the starter battery ground . If not you don't have an input circuit to the Orion.

Continue with the instructions above.

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