
nzmikec avatar image
nzmikec asked

ESS Mode 3 Passthrou

Hi All,

I have a ESS system using a Multiplus 2 GX, barium BMS and Leaf cells. Ive been running this system for several years without any issue. Im using the Venus-large image and controlling the inverters output via nodered using my own control loop with feedback from my fronius smart meter.

I noticed my LCD screen had stopped updating and did a simple power cycle using the inverters 3 position switch. This fixed the LCD issue but now my inverter seems to be stuck in Passthrou mode.

Is there any way to see why this is the case? BMS reports no issues at all and is supplying the inverter with discharge parameters etc like normal. There are no errors showing up in the notifications section or VRM.

Many thanks,


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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
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