
Rod avatar image
Rod asked

Will a Victron Orion 12/12 Volt 30 Amp 360 Watt, allow flow in both directions ?


Will a Victron Orion 12/12 Volt 30 Amp 360 Watt, allow flow in both directions ?

FROM / TO: House LITHIUM Batteries: 4x 228AH @ 12.8V


FROM / TO: Starting LEAD Batteries: 2 x 60AH @ 12V (2 alternators 60A 12V

I am concern with the huge size disparity between Banks.

(As additional Info the Li Batteries are feed from 2 MPTT 150/60A-12V and a inverter-charger Victron Easy Plus Compact 70A 12V 2600 VA)

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It only converts in one direction, from the input to the output.

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