
matthias-roetzer avatar image
matthias-roetzer asked

Individual phase regulation not at it's best like before

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy)

Recently I've noticed, that individual phase regulation behaviour changed. In my installation (now V2.85~1) it was working well till let's say September / October 2021 (V2.7x). Then in winter I can't tell because of low PV power my system does not reach the working point of interest. Now as PV power is considerably higher I see that the behaviour is different than before winter. Maybe it changed with a GX firmware during winter time. That I can't tell for sure because I've not tested with older firmware yet.

What I can tell so far:

Individual phase regulation performs grid feed in and discharging the battery at the same time when PV power and consumption is roughly equal.

When I change to "Total of all phases" the behaviour is immediately better and like it should be.

Find attached two screenshots showing both scenarios where I have tried to catch almost the same situation while the only difference is the multiphase regulation setting.

Usually I have activated the settings "Limit charge power" and "Limit inverter power". For taking the two screenshots I've turned them off to make sure they have no effect.

Now running on "Total of all phases", but would like go again with "Individual phase", so I would be happy if you could have a look sometime. It's not an urgent matter - uufff why I'm writing that? ;)

If testing this issue with an older firmware can help please let me know. For this I consider going back to V2.6x and V2.7x, but rather the latter first.

Best regards



multi phase
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matthias-roetzer avatar image matthias-roetzer commented ·
Still the same behaviour with V2.85~3
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2 Answers
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hi @Matthias Roetzer , I have noticed the same. And I have not yet found the answer.

Let see what we can find out.

regards, Rob

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matthias-roetzer avatar image matthias-roetzer commented ·
Hi @Rob Fijn

very nice to have a companion on that.

Best regards,


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matthias-roetzer avatar image
matthias-roetzer answered ·

Hi everybody,

While investigating this issue further I came to know that the statistics are different in the two modes although I think there shouldn't be a difference. "total of all phases regulation" is not at all total as you can see below when comparing to a period of "individual phase regulation". apparently if eg 1kW is drawen on L1 from the grid and the same time 1kW is feed to the grid on L2 the stats will count consumption from grid an PV feed in the same time altough the metering is set to "total of all phases". I think that's not the idea of a "total of all phases" meter. In the example above it should be taken as direct use of PV power instead of "taken from grid".

Best regards,



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