
cargol66 avatar image
cargol66 asked

Victron Battery balancer

Hello everybody,

I'm concerned with a 4S2P Victron Gel 12V 220Ah , so an 8 batteries 48V 440Ah bank in an unbalanced state.

How to recover the batteries with low voltage of 8V ?

could theses batteries be recovered ?

I wonder how the Victron battery balacer is able to manage balancing a 220Ah 48V 4 gel bat. bank with a soo smal current of 0.7A as explained in the datasheet.

What if i have two 220Ah 48V banks in parallel ?

I think battery balancer divert more or less current from the battery with the highest voltage to prevent from over charging. What is the capacity of this current diverting ?

Could you confirm that battery balancer is only acting during charge ?

What's the maximum battery capacity (Ah) the balancer can deal with ?

Thank everybody for your help.

Battery Balancer
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The balancer works by draining the battery with the higher voltage. It does not divert the current to the lower voltage battery.

It has an internal switch that turns it on when battery voltage is 27.3V. This would normally be when charging and batteries are not excessively discharged.

If batteries are connected correctly imbalances are small and the 0.7A is sufficient.

At installation all batteries should be fully charged. If not they will eventually equalize, but this may take a lot of charge cycles.

The balancer works across 2 12V battery banks wired for 24V. For 48V systems based on 12V batteries multiple balancers are needed, usually three. It is not designed for 48V systems using 24V batteries.

If you have a gel battery at 8V, it's probably wrecked. The balancer will not recover this.

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