
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Pheonix 24/3000 Inverter assistant issue

am setting up a 24 volt 3000 fw1912209 Pheonix inverter on a solar site

have updated the firmware and am trying to add a 2 signal BMS assistant

and the below error appears,

basically I just want to use AUX 1 to turn the inverter off on a low cell voltage by closing the connection on Aux1 but I am getting the below error.

I have setup the low cut off voltage so that will protect the total battery but would like to also control at the cell level with the info from the bms being a 2 signal BMS - the hig voltage is directly controling to Samrt solar unit

Any tips and ways to get this to work



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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

no answer so presume its not able to be done /fixed - will upgrade the Main CPU boards for the phoenix fron 19 series to the newer 26 series processor

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