What is MK3-USB and Cerbo GX switch setting "Inverter Only" when connected to Multiplus

I’m trying to understand what the MK3-USB and Cerbo GX switch setting of “Inverter Only” does
when connected to Multiplus. The physical switch on the unit only has On/Off/Charger Only, and the manual documents these setting. It’s not referenced in documentation.

I’m trying to get to a situation of “Inverter on, with passthru and charger off” but it looks like “Interver Only” doesn’t offer passthru

Have you tried to put it in charger only and reduce your current limit to 0?

Interesting concept, I’ll try “Inverter ON” with Charging current 0, that should give me Inverter protection, with passthru, and no charge

Well you can do that but that is not what I suggested. When the inverter is in Charge Only, you get only pass through power with no inverter function. The Inverter will only charge using the ac input current limit that you set. to include no charge function when set at 0.

Inverter only, will drop the grid connection, so it can neither passthrough nor charge. Other chargers (PV etc) can still charge, but the multi can’t. Loads are driven from battery or other DC sources.

I think the only way to have pass through with inverter on and no charge is to set the Multiplus to “On” and go into the Multiplus settings using the Mk3 and disable charger (uncheck enable charger) or set charge current to 0.

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