I have two separate systems both with a gx device. The venus gx is connected to a single mppt controller via ve direct cable and when viewed in vrm clearly shows state of controller live - bulk, absorp or float.
On the other hand the cerbo is connected to 3 mppt controllers via ve can and they all sync nicely together but unfortunately when viewed in vrm does not show state of these controllers.
Is this normal behaviour when using multiple controllers linked together via ve can or is there a setting I need to change to get the charging state to show up in vrm?
It does seem to be something with the vrm. All the sites i have with a mix also do not have the box above. Both in new and old firmware. It is also affected by the inverter that is in the system as well.
This is a limitation of the UI when there are multiple MPPT charge controllers.
It is not definite that they will all have the same charging state, so the decision was made to show none of them, rather than mislead (and omit if the state of one or more is different to the others).
Thanks for clarifying Guy. I tried swapping the Cerbo & Venus devices but the issue remained with the multi controller setup. I also tried VE networking the controllers with BT but then they disappeared off the VRM so I quickly realised VE networks are mainly for when there is no GX device. The controllers do always sync together nicely via the VE Can connection and I can see the state in VictronConnect but that gets a bit tedious launching the program 20x a day! VRM is available to view all the time for me so just requires a quick glance.