2 MPPTs but only one showing on VRM

Sorry for the basic question that I’m sure has been answered before but I can’t find the answer.

I have just added a second 450/100 MPPT Smart Solar to my system, which also has a Cerbo GX and Multiplus II. So I now have 2 identical MPPTs on the system.

I have series linked the MPPTs together with a network cable. The Cerbo GX and new MPPT have the spare RJ45 sockets blanked off with the RJ45 terminators supplied. But I can still only see the original MPPT on VRM and subsequently the Remote Console.

All are working fine together, charging and talking to each other as far as I can see from the displays and I can view both the MPPTs in Victron Connect. However the VRM is only showing me the charge data for the original MPPT not both so although, for example, we are actually generating 6kw per hour the VRM is showing 3kw.

Can someone please tell me what I have missed? I think I have gone through all the settings in Victron Connect for both MPPTs but I can’t find what I’m missing?

Did you reboot the Cerbo after connecting?

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Can you see both in VRM Device list, see below i have three shown below.

Yep, been rebooted multiple times

I can only see both of them in Victron Connect, see below :point_down:t2:
I cannot see them on the VRM device list only one of them see below below :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2:

Have got tham on ve.can or ve.bus as they should be on ve.can.
Also one say external control, i think they should both be the same, so bulk, or absorption or float.

Like this

Do you have the can terminators in the correct places?

I hope the pictures will help.
I have the MultiPlus 2 in the far right ve.bus
Then the first MPPT (2GXU) is in the left hand ve.can and the other one blanked off. The 2nd MPPT (EX6G) is then linked to the 1st MPPT via the ve.can with the spare being blanked off. So the 2 MPPTs are daisy Chinese to the Cerbo. I was under the impression this was the correct way of doing it rather than the 2nd MPPT being directly linked to the Cerbo or am I wrong?

That’s how mine are connected too, sorry don’t know why you can’t see both in vrm, so in vrm device list you only see one there aswell?
Try swapping the can terminators and/or the cables, not sure if this will help but worth a try.

Just a bit strange one says external control, maybe a swapped cable?

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Yes that’s one thing I haven’t tried yet is a different cable. I will do that in the new year as all is working fine other than that, don’t want to tempt fiat!


@lxonline I have added pictures of the setup. I believe this is correct but correct me if I’m wrong

I agree, always best to take your time as and when you can.

Good luck :+1:

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year :partying_face:

Termination on both ends is correct. So it’s not that.

All that remains is the possibility of a dodgy cable or a firmware update of the system.

Sometimes a swap over of who the master or first in the queue also works.

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@lxonline firmware is up to date and has been updated whilst this issue exists and didn’t change anything. So just the cable to change.