VE.Smart : do I have to wire all unit to GX to monitor/control or only one needed?


I am unclear about one thing with the feature

I have a smartsolar unit connected by to my gx unit.

Let’s say I want to add a smartsolar MPPT to my system. Does the network between the 2 smartsolar units would avoid me to link by the new MPPT to my GX unit ?

I’m a bit lost since the document is not clear on that (and there is also a question of master unit on the that cannot be user selected… what’s the impact if the master is the non ve direct connected unit ?)

Thanks for the clarification

When you have a GX device you connect everything to it by VE Direct cables. If you try and run a VE Smart Network at the same time the results can be erratic. Also, the GX would not know about the second MPPT.

Ok thanks

So there is absolutely no interest over a bluesolar in my situation (I was wondering if the vesmart would save me one vedirect wiring)

Vesmart seems definitely done for non GX systems solely.

I would love my GX unit (actually a multiplus 2 GX) to be enabled and to have all this wirelessly communicating


Yes and that is also mentioned in the networking manual.

Having a smart MPPT is also good for setting it up and quick monitoring.

Yes, but I did not find anything stating that if a GX unit is in the system vesmart network should note be used, hence my question :smiling_face:

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