SoC difference between Cerbo and BMS

Hi, i just installed a 16 cell 48v 306Ah battery with a cerbo GX and Multiplus II 48v 5000VA.
I have JK BMS that gives a SOC of 26% while the smart shunt / VRM shows 100% SOC.
Can anyone help, it must be something in the config.

Pls post the settings of the smartshunt.

Most probably rhe settings for charged voltage and tail current are wrong.

  1. The linked FAQ will tell you how yo set your SmartShunt, especially charged voltage.

Shunt jumping to 100%

  1. If you have only just started the system and not yet charged it, the SmartShunt counts energy in and out of the battery so at start up it knows nothing about the battery state, it only starts working once the battery has been fully charged for the first time. In the interim you can go into the settings and manually set it to match the BMS.

@Ludo and @pwfarnell , thanks for the quick reply! I will check it now. These are the settings i have

I think i found it. I manually set the SOC to the same % as the BMS and changed the grid metering to the Multiplus as i don’t have a grid meter yet installed.

Maybe not, it’s back at 100% again, but it is charging.

There’s your problem. You shunt has not been set up correctly.

Read the link that @pwfarnell gave you.

Set charged voltage to 56, tail current to 1%

Peukert to 1.0

Charge efficiency to 98%

Set your SoC back to 25%


Thnx! All good now. I will ready the doc to fully understand all the settings. Thanks a lot!

It doesn’t really charge a lot, it’s still on 26%.

Next stage is to make sure your Multiplus charge settings are correct, it is in bulk, not sure why that should be so limited in charge output. See section 5 of the manual.

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Can change in this settings what measuremnts to use on VRM

you will may see Multi / SmartBMS / BMS.CAN and the BMS.CAN will may be the most correct.

In the picture bellow the RUiXU is BMS.CAN and is the only one Visible to get correct SoC.

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Thanks, great learning curve. I will read and check the settings tomorrow. I’ll be back!

I double checked all the settings, but they look fine:

They look OK so I am not sure why the charge current was so limited. If there was a poor DC connection then the Multiplus usually goes into absorption or float because the Multiplus sees a higher voltage due to resistance. Perhaps start a second question asking why is my Multiplus charging at such a low rate.

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Thank all fot the support, i created a new topic: New Multiplus II 48v 5000VA setup only slow charges battery