SoC defference between Cerbo and BMS i

Hello everyone,
I have a question.
For 2 days I noticed that the SoC percentages differ. This is also getting bigger.

As you can see on the screenshot, the battery BMS passes on 62% to the Cerbo. How can it be that the Battery percentage indicates 44.5%. This is a difference of 18%. How does it get to that 44.5%?

I have already done a software update (3.53)
Restarted everything.

Does anyone have an idea?


Is this a BMS CAN attached battery, or using a mod for communications?
Have you set it as the battery monitor in system setup?

Basen Green isn’t a supported battery though they do appear to have a Victron comms mode.

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What type of BMS is that, and what is your Battery Monitor setting under System Setup?

For comparison, with the notoriously imprecise JK-BMS my system looks like this, the upper SOC is from the Multi and is approximately correct:

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Same here. Now SOC is close, but sometimes the difference is more than 10%.
My point of truth is the smart-shunt as battery monitor.

Hi Nick,
Thanks for helping me.

It was working fro 3 month. And suddenly I noticed the difference.
Upon you suggetion I’ve lookd in the Systen setup>Battery monitor, and it was set to multipluss, instead of VT on CAN-bus.

There is no other way than that I self changed it. I have no recollection of this. Must be getting old :slight_smile:

The percentage is now in line with the BMS.
May be Basen&Green will be under support in the future , Its a Battery that is sold allot here in combination with Victron.

Thanks allot

Glad you came right, always nice to have an easy to fix problem :slight_smile:

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