Screen locking for Cerbo-gx

Is there a means of setting a screen lock on the Cerbo-GX touch screen, for example touch the screen for 2 seconds to unlock.
I’ve gone through the settings and looked at the documentation but other than the time to screen off nothing about a lock.
The reason I ask this is that where our screen is it is easy to touch it and occasionally then the Quattro has its mode changed.
If it’s not available at present I believe that this would be a good additional feature for updates.

Hi and welcome

Would This help 3.6 in the manual, screen shot below.

Thanks Dave

I had seen that and sort of discounted as I will need to find a suitable place to fit a push button on my engraved control panel.

That said, i will have a go to see how it functions and will it be worth drilling a hole.

It just seems to me that a press and hold screen unlock is very common way and should be available in the Venus firmware



It just seems to me that a press and hold screen unlock is very common way and should be available in the Venus firmware

Yes i know what you mean, there is Setting lock that can be set in some devices, might be worth a look? (if you haven’t already)

I have seen these usb switches, don’t know if that would work as i have never tried one, perhaps someone else might help?

OK, I have put a temporary push button to a digital input and set it up.
It does what it says, you can toggle the touch input on and off. You can still touch the screen and get the overview page which is the common one to look at, but you can’t do anything without pressing the button to enable input.
So I am going to leave it like that for a while and see if my ghost changes go away, if so I will mount a nice push button beside the screen

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Ok thanks for the update, fingers crossed.
Would love to see a picture if it all works as expected.
Good luck :+1:

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Well two to three weeks since fitting the temporary switch, I’ve had no random inverter switching events. So i bit the bullet, drilled a hole and fitted a nice looking stainless steel 12mm push button next to the screen.

It is a little fiddly as the push button is a recessed type and it needs to be pressed for a couple of seconds to register, but that really isn’t a big issue as the screen touch still brings up the main screen with the majority of the information I need normally, you just cant swipe it, etc…

The only thing is to remember to press the button again after making any changes to turn it off again.

One thing I’ve just thought of whilst typing this, is what is the state after e reboot, does it default to off or on? something to try.


Very neat, good job :clap: