Replacing the CCGX

I need to replace my Color Control GX.
What is the correct procedure?
Is it possible to export the data from the old CCGX to automatically transfer it to the new unit?
Is it necessary to use a PC with dedicated software?

Hi @marinolab,

There is no (official) way at the moment to backup and restore the settings that are on the GX device itself. You will need to do that part yourself manually. This is a long standing feature request, but for now it is a manual process.

We do have a process to transfer over the VRM history data.
The process is explained step by step as you do it here:

However I understand that is a bit daunting, I have a GX device that I need to migrate myself in the following week or so. If you’re able to wait I will record the process and post it.

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Ok tanks
I’ll wait for you

While by no means complete, SetupHelper provides backup and restore of SOME parameters that could save you time in migrating to an new device.

If you are talking about the system settings, FWIK, many of the Venus OS settings are stored on the /data/conf folder.
You can try to copy them onto the new system and see.

Did you post the installation?

Sorry, not yet, I’ll try again tomorrow.

Hello @marinolab,

I made a video, but also made this step by step document at the same time and I think this might be more useful;

Let me know how you go or if anything isn’t clear;

Victron Energy - Replacing a GX device in VRM.pdf (5.1 MB)

Here is the video of the scariest part, but it needs the step by step document to support it.


I finally managed to find the time to do it, and even with some difficulty I succeeded in the undertaking.
Thanks for everything

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Hello, any suggestion what to do if I get this error?

Hi @Artur,

This is a temporary issue and engineers are working to fix it now.
There is nothing to do but wait for the fix unfortunately.