Pylontech BMS Connection Lost - firmware OS 3.51

On the latest firmware (3.51), Cerbo GX loses communication with Pylontech’s BMS - after a few minutes of operation.
After returning to (backup) firmware 3.42, communication with Pylontech’s BMS is stable, but there is no connection via the Remote Console.
The settings related to the remote console (on firmware 3.42) are correct.

@EnerSol , Good Morning. I have two PylonTech US5000 connected via BMS-CAN to my Cerbo GX running on 3.51. Everything is working fine.

Thank you for your information. I decided to ask the manufacturer to replace the Cerbo under warranty.


Is there already a new cerbo coming? Can you let me know the serial nbr of the old one?

Hi @mpvader the serial number of the old one is (redacted).
That Cerbo ((redacted)) is still online.
I planned to replace it for new one on November 26.
I checked the settings again and they all match your suggestions. On the firmware 3.51 Remote Console works well but Cerbo loses connection with Pylontech BMS after few minutes. To renew the connection to the BMS, I need to disable VE.Can port and activate it again. This procedure helps for only few minutes.

On the firmware 3.42 the connection with BMS is stable.
There are no alerts from GX “BMS Connection lost”.

I am asking the Victron team to look at it with their experienced eyes remotely.


If you have Cerbo MK1, maybe your (separate) CAN-BMS module is having a slight problem.
At some point Victron changed some parameters for that (external) CAN module.

In other order of ideas, do you use a good (or genuine) CAN cable? Is the CAN terminator properly inserted on the Cerbo side?

Hi @EnerSol,
Further to what Alex has asked, could you also please take some pictures of the installation, ideally close up of both GX and PYLONTECH ends, and then a wide one that shows as much as possible of the connection between them?

Just a strange coincidence: this occured also on my installation today, 10 days after upgrade to 3.50
Cerbo reboot did resolve this issue.

This has never occured before.

The time of the alarm is exactly at sunrise.

I’m having the same issue.
Installation worked perfect before.

Since the update to 3.50 the BMS stops connecting sometimes with error #67.

Checked and measured the cable and the cable is fine.

I don’t see a reason why it stops. Sometimes after a reboot the system responds back normal and sometimes not.

Hi everyone here,

Can I ask you a favour. Can you check, either on the Device List on the GX, or on the Device List on VRM, whether the battery still shows when this happens, or if that shows disconnected?

On VRM, you will see that the battery line hasn’t been seen, for example:

This will help me determine what component to suspect/investigate.

Hey Izak.

Thanks for your reply.

As you say: ‘Last seen a day ago’ while the other equipment says 3min.

My other installation has a Cerbo MK1 with same firmware (and MPPT 450/100 in stead of 450/200) doesn’t have this problem.

I have the same communications error #67 using Cerbo MK2, Previous cerbo’s with same v3.51 and now v3.52 no problems. I beleive it may have something to do with not having a dedicated BMS input and is now software based input. Sometimes it can go a day without an error then all of sudden it will fault.

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I use an Ekrano on one of our demo systems with Pytes batteries and I had to go into the Services menu and explicitly set the CAN2 ports to 500kbps BMS. Going to VenusOS 3.5x reset that canbus port to VE.Can. I ended up doing a factory reset on the Ekrano at one point so that was probably the real cause. But, check your CANbus settings in Services and make sure the CANbus port is set to a BMScan port.

All settings are as they should be on can port 2 can-bus BMS LV 500kbits. Still same issue.

Cerbo MK1 or Cerbo MK2? I am having problems with MK2’s

Update firmware to beta 3.52~2 that seemed to cure it on mine

Also done, this morning same error

Same Richard. The error is still there, only on the MK2 cerbo

Oh forgot to mention I am runing OS large not saying that’s cure but a process of elimination
Makers Can BMS is set correctly