CAN communication problems on Venus OS 3.5x?

Hello developers,

As per title, is it possible to be restricted to only Cerbo Mk2 or Mk1 is also affected?
Too many reports on CAN communication, especially with BMSes, to be just some coincidences…
Below just to name a few…


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Indeed there was an issue with some of the Cerbo GX MK2. It was not all units, and some were more badly affected than others. The issue was intermittent, but then in some rare cases more frequent, or even permanent.

For almost all cases we were able to return full function with a change in firmware, released as Venus OS v3.53. But in any case where this does not simply resolve it, the customer should follow the this process:

Thanks for confirming it.
Is it possible for the technically inclined to tell what was the problem?

In a post was said it was due to “signal degradation”… But this leads to think it was (still is) a hardware problem, that a software patch will only mask.

Of course, one could check the binaries between the two releases and see which were the modifications, but I hope you don’t mind my asking… :innocent:

Thanks anyway!

There was a hardware issue, but one that is well handled by the firmware solution.

I don’t know the very low level details, but the issue was the CANbus interface would be interrupted and ‘disappear’, and then not automatically re-initalise which required rebooting the Cerbo GX. This firmware update now re-initalises the interface without requiring the reboot of the device itself. Simple and effective.

In all but the most extreme cases where an RMA is required, and this is so far very rare, there will be no perceivable issue to the customer on the new firmware.

There will be a change made to the hardware itself, already in production, that also improves the signal it at the source.

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