I have installed 3 batteries and I have a cerbo GX. This cerbo gx has 2 can BMS connections. Luckily there was another topic complaining about the cerbo GX not connecting to the BMS anymore. So I checked if there was a BMS connection on my system. apperently not. There are no additional devices in the device list. 2 question. I have the Victron protocol on the BMS CAN bus and connected the BMS CAN of the battery to 1 of the 2 CAN BMS connections of the cerbo GX. I have a normal network cable to make this connection. I have attached pictures of the settings. I can select Pylon or Victron protocol in the BMS. I have connected the vsense (voltage) and temperature sensor to the MultiPlus port. There are 3 batteries and 3 Multiplus devices. Each mulitplus is connected to 1 battery. is that ok?
I have 3 batteries. How can I connect the third BMS to the cerbo GX? is that possble?
Any help to get this working would be great. Thanks in advance.
You need to connect all batteries together on a busbar, and feed all multiplus from there
Also your batterys should be connected in parallel. With one as master and connected to can on cerbo, other batterys connected to that master as slave, see your battery manual for that
Be careful that many BMS manufacturers have proprietary cable/pinout connections.
I have not seeing one until now that is using Victron pinout in order for a normal network cable, as you say, to work implicitly.
Depending on the battery manufacturer - you don’t say which is - you may need a special cable.
Thanks again. That topic helps me a lot. I see a TIA568B cross over cable could do the trick, but the ground will not be connected. pin 7 battery GND is connected to pin 4 cerbo GX. Probably best to make a custom cable. I hate to make a cable that only works if you connect connector A to the cerbo and connector B to the battery. Symetric cable is not possible (if you want to connect ground). I know, not necessary, but recommended.
By the way. In the previous topic someone asked how you can change the battery capacity in the BMS. Since you can connect 280Ah batteries into the battery housing, but you can also connect 314Ah batteries into the housing. This is how you can change that. You have to download the software from the basen green site and you have to start the program. You received a USB to RJ45 cable with the battery. housing connect the usb part (black usb device) to the computer. connect the other side to the RS485A connection. I received this picture from basen green. Then do this…
I made the right cables and connected the CAN BMS to the Basen green BMS. Set the CAN protocol to Pylon. I understood that the port is only 500kbits/sec and Pylon is 500kbits/sec. I have a system with 3 batteries and a 3phase system with multiplus II 5000. So I changed every battery to CAN Pylon. Connected BMS-CAN port1 to Battery 1 CAN port. Connected BMS-CAN port2 to Battery 2 CAN port. Connected VE-CAN port1 to Battery 3 CAN port.
I have downloaded the rvms Remote VEConfigure of the system (the system is at my friend). I enabled at the charger tab for each multiplus of the three phase system the option “Configured for VE.Bus BMS”. Flashed the changed rvms back into the system, but now the system stopped working, So I disabled that option again. Help!
CAN communication is a daisy chain communication, not a star communication !
Meaning all batteries communication are in series and only the master battery is connected to Cerbo BMS-CAN port.
Something like in the picture below, external device being Cerbo.
It’s a picture with a different type of battery, but the idea it’s the same for all manufacturers.
I have only 1 can connection on the battery. That’s why I did connect really available can port of the cerbo GX to the battery. Or has the RS485C also the can wires connected? These are the connections…
So I connect to the cerbo GX with CAN (second position is can in my battery). But the batteries are connected to each other via RS485?
Which cables can I use? Normal 568B cables or cross over? This is getting complicated.
Or is it all RS485? That would make sense. Which one should I use? CAN or RS485?
Sorry i dont get it, you bought “diy” batterys, build them? And cant find out how to wire it? Manuals are online, even specific manuals on how to setup with victron
Thanks for your answer. I changed the CAN protocol to Victron and connected RS485A of the first battery to RS485A of the second battery. Connected RS485B of the second battery to the third RS584B connection. Must I use the standard 568B cable. This is the screenprint of the system:
I have GobelPower batteries with PACE BMS connected same way.
Master - CAN - Cerbo
Master - RS485 via cat6 - Slave 1
Slave 1 - RS485 via cat6 - Slave 2
I needed to set addresses via DIP switches (9 on the drawing). Master has value 1, e.g. left up.
Slave on is 2, e.g. left down, 2nd left up.
The master aggregates all data and sends it via CAN to Cerbo.
Hope this helps …
If you haven’t done yet, pls consider to substitute the MEGA fuses by Adler EF3 which can clear 50kA instead of 2kA. Or use DC NH breakers or T-Fuses. Both need special fuse holders. EF3 fits into standard Lynx.