Issue with Cerbo MK2 BMS LV Can set-up

We have an installation using a CanBMS protocol to send data for display.
On the test bench it works perfectly. In the field on separate machine, we have been banging our heads against the wall.

The system has a MG BMS, Quattro, and BMV use for Solar power generation. That works fine on the Ve.Can. We have another System we want to display in the Device list. Data is sent using the CanBMS protocol. The test bench has a “Old” Cerbo with BMScan port and Ve.Can port. data is displayed as expected on the GX.

In the field we have the same set-up, but no data can be seen. The canbus network is fully terminated, runs at 500kBds. The communication between all the systems nodes is working correctly. On the Cerbo CanBMS Network status page, we could see the Out Packet counter increasing on regular basis but no incoming messages seen. all error counters firmly at 0. On the canbus network, with our canbus monitor, we could see all the Batteries messages but we could not detect any message from the Cerbo.

After replacing the canbus stub cable with a factory made cable we came t the conclusion that the “old” cerbo may be damaged. We purchased a Brand new Cerbo MKII.
Once commissioned with the MG on Ve.can1 running at 250kbs lynx protocol and VE2.can running at 500kBds, CanBMS LV or CanBMS HV, we still see no data…

For both 500 Kbds protocol, the network status page report the STATE: STOPPED Where is the ON/OFF function ???

In all cases, the GX units have been upgraded to the latest V3.52

Kidding apart:

  1. what is the difference between Can-bus BMS HV and Can-Bus BMS LV?

  2. Why would this application work on Cerbo MK1 and not on cerbo MKII?

  3. what does the state STOPPED means? Is this Hardware related, Set-up related or is it triggered by the network side?

  4. Could it be that the unit I received has bad VE.Can2 ports (Pylontech BMS Connection Lost - firmware OS 3.51). How to verify?

Hi @Jean-Marc,
If you check again that link you posted under 4, it has now been solved.

Please update to Venus OS v3.53 and see if that explains the issue you’re seeing.

Thanks for the enquiry.
Victron USA had also suggested to try 3.53 and it did not work.
We purchased an original Cerbo and it works perfectly with 3.53. So for this project we will consider the issue closed.
It seems that VE.can2 port on the MK2 we purchased originally is faulty / outside normal operational tolerances. I am being told there is a very small fraction of units like that. My dealer did offer to exchange the unit under RMA but we elected to purchase a new unit instead…
We can still use this unit for project where Ve.Can2 is not used.


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