My cerbo GX gets the power directly from the 24V batteries of Victron. Once I connect the GX Touch 50 the cerbo starts rebooting. All LEDs off, the orange starts, the green and than the blue. Sometimes the Cerbo reboots 20x in a row, sometimes it reboots once a day. If I disconnect and connect the power supply to the Cerbo, the reboot is sometimes successful. But after a while (1 to 8 hours) the reboot starts again. The Touch 50 is corrcet to the HDMI and USB of the Cerbo connected.
Once I connect the USB power of the Touch 50 to an external power source, e.g. power bank it stops rebooting and the Cerbo and touch are working well. Now I have disconnected the USB of the Touch 50 since 5 Days - no reboot!
Could the USB port (of course the one next to the HDMI) be overloaded by the Touch GX or the UsB of the Cerbo be defect?
My system set up:
connected to the Cerbo GX are three MPPTs 75/15, the BMS and the GX touch 50. If I disconnect the MPPTs the rebooting continues. It only stops, when I disconncet the USB of the touch screen.
Any thoughts?