Good day, I’ve installed the Victron Orion XS on a new lithium battery. When measuring the voltages, on the Output side it shows 13.2 (which is the same as the lithium battery), but on the Input side it shows a varying voltage, anything between 1-7 Volts. Why is that? It is something that is normal or is there a problem with the charger?
When starting the car, it will supply the Input side of the Orion XS with 13.8 Volts, but it would stay in an Off mode. In other words it won’t start charging the lithium battery. Sometimes all 3 lights will flicker for a couple of seconds. Not sure if that means anything.
The first thing I would do is basic electrical trouble finding. Measure the voltage on the Orion input terminals with a multimeter. If that reads erratically 1-7V then you have a problem with your wiring, connections, crimps, terminals, fuses, isolators etc. that you need to find. Use the multimeter at each connection/terminal to find the poor connection.
If you find the input voltage on the multimeter is the battery voltage then there may be a problem with the Orion.