Orion tr smart 12/12 - 30 dc to dc shows wrong input voltage

Orion tr smart 12/12 - 30 dc to dc shows wrong input voltage.
The input voltage is over 14v, but the app shows only 12.6v
What can be the problem?

Mine shows the same problem. After I used it without any issues for 3 years.

Input voltage 12,5 (no change if engine is running or not) . Starter battery and input at the Orion measured 14 V when engine is running. And: It DOESN’T CHARGE my battery.
13 V measured at starter battery and Orion input when engine is turned off but Orion still shows 12,5V in the Victron App.

What is the reason and how can I solve it?

I saw that error a few times, the device is defective.
Try to disconnect it completely for a few minutes and reconnect it.
If that doesn’t help contact your seller/installer/distributor.