Hello, a simple question on which we remain stuck, being a novice: The fiber has just been installed… the Wi-Fi connection is therefore modified and we no longer have access to our installation via cerboGX (without screen). We followed the instructions found on the internet: reset, Venus network connection, but it does not connect to the internet so no more access to the remote console…
I use an tp link AV600 Ethernet socket to extend the wifi via the electrical network, which is connected by an Ethernet cable to the cerbo.
Would anyone be kind enough to help us? Thanks in advance
You must set your new router to the old IP level. Then you will have your Cerbo back in the network …
Do you have the technical means to do this?
Is the Cerbo connected via WLan or LAN Cable to a Switch/ Accesspoint ?
No, we absolutly don’t have the knowledges to do this.
The cerbo is connected to the tp linkAV600 with an Ethernet câble…if it is what you mean…
our reseller/installer who was extremely incompetent has completely failed and we now have to find solutions alone
Do you have a ‘browser’ on PC or Laptop / Pad through which you have always accessed your Cerbo?
Did you really perform a reset as described in the instructions … incl. USB stick etc. ?