New Victron User

You do not need to turn it off to do the settings. I suggest you increase the absorption time back to default setting of around 2 hours. The 10mins may work with a full battery but if you ever fully discharge it the battery will not recharge fully. And then set the rebulk voltage to 0.4V.

You do not really seem to know much about batteries and charging so for your batteries sake go back to some proper settings.


Oh my maths is terrible thats why find it bit hard ,
Ok i go gack to the 2 hour setting , and go find the rebulk and 0.4v it
Thanks for putting up with me and giving me some guidance

Ok been in app again,2hour back on but im stumped on 0.4v ,I cant get mine to show that, its always got 0.04v, cant go below 0.01v or above 0.09v to get 0.4v like your asking , if i go above 0.09v it goes 1.0v and 2.0v and upwards , I cant ditch that 0 at the front if my setting and that why i ask before if 0.04v was the same as 0.4v , i def wasn’t being smart i just can’t get it to display just 0.4v
What am i missing here
Could it be the battery that im using not allowing that setting,just a thought,what battery do you use iut of curiosity
I guess you think im just thick , just a little bit cause im learning but i honestly cant change that setting to what your asking and i dont know why which is frustrating, i dont kniw what to try apart from different battery setting to give that display of only 0.4v and not 0.04v which to me seem the same

Now that is weird. Using the + arrow it should go up from 0.09 to 0.10 then 0.11 etc. You showed a screenshot earlier where you had 0.11V so it worked then You could always select the number, delete it and put it in manually from the keypad.

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Yip i can go up past 0.11v and when i do it shows 1.11v and up again to 2.0v up again to 4.00 or 5.00v and so on , i cant get it to just show 0.4v , no option to enter from keyboard, :man_shrugging: Ill just leave it the system off till i figure this out , if something is not right i wont use it,and something is not right,

I have reported it in case it is a software problem with the Victron Connect app. I doubt it is an issue with the solar controller so that will be OK to keep using. I am reluctant to try it out myself in case I find I mess up my settings.

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I would try reset to defaults and then start again
Use the gear at the top right - then the hanburger three dots. The rest is there.

Then re program

You can create a custom profile. When you have it working as you want it to.

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Hi and thanks yip good idea, I did think about re installing app today , already upgraded the firmware so didnt want to confuse it along with myself, I had it all off today anyway just to redo led light strip and moved the incorrect PV breaker( i have new one coming thats in picture above) i been using for on off down low so its all together because it was up at the ceiling which was a pain for over 1 & 1/2 years with the EPEVER set up,
Also i should ask the small dial underneath for changing different algorithms i have not touched and is set between 1and 3 . I presume the factory sets them there but not sure if that ok. Been reading the online 64page manual but ive read so much it get confused. Lot of different info about for the same thing so i get lost lol
Picture from today mission ,there be a nice dc breaker there very soon instead of wrong one.just tidyed up so ill do the reset soon
Nearly forgot,yeh the 3 dots after i save what settings i had and i try to see or import them theres nothing there
Thanks again

You can change the dial 7 is the position for lithium , but when you use the app to make settings it over rides the dial

Yeah the victron learning cuve is steep.

I not have lithium battery,using sealed lead batt , it was only due to budget at the time , been using it since first set , top $$ here in NZ but waiting and always searching

Not a stress. Was just looking through the post and saw that. But either way if you use the app the dial is ignored.
The dial is an quick way to set up but obviously you needed to customise.

There is a walk through video

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Wow yip video is gold, yes i did see that battery edit setting while playing where it creates the virtual product , ill visit that again after i reset settings.
Thanks for that :+1:

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Well something worked after restore to default i can now edit and save a file which i add in screenshot of where its set now
The bulk off set at 0.02v (thats a default setting) which starts charging at 13.4v , since my float is 13.6v i think that looks ok - mayby or could 0.01v ,that just seems to set charging to start at particular voltage, Im back in there now cause i couldn’t do that yesterday, using a good Samsung tab a 10/1 for display too so dont know what went on, well off to make my eyes fall out again and go learn some more
Thank you all made my day :+1:

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Ok 2 questions please cople pics to show
In just victron app in battery presets there is 2 circles at top which do nothing ,is that where the battery Ah and custom battery settings are found , as mention just in app they do nothing when clicked on
In the virtual page where it create using the display thats in picture gives the option of battery Ah .thats the only way i can see that will enable me to set that
Does that mean i go buy one , looks that way , nothing in app displays this option.
Another reason i cant edit Ah and battery type could be because im not using a smart charger , only charging throught mppt

Pv not on but was going through settings and bluetooth keept closing and saw i had 2 same mppts trying to connect, yeh had me stumped to,it disconnect from original and was trying to conect to other…
Closed app and restart back to normal but amount of times this bluetooth disconect from app while im in there starting to wind me up a bit,Im sitting right next to it
Definitely going to get a display, app seems bit bogy and gone from a reliable set up to a im not sure about this set up . Ill stick the EPEVER back if goin its goin to be like that .everything is off and it can stay like that . What little trust i had is fast fading away…ummmm decisions for me . Do i go back to something i know and put up with spikes or continue trying to set the victron up correctly
Ok i turned on and watch in app it working then app disconnect, why does it do that all the time ,thats piss poor and dont like that at all,looks like have to get a display to put a stop to that, bluetooth can go where sun dont shine.its only something else to worry about

I have no idea why you are having your problems, the VictronConnect app usually works fine. For the MPPT and the 2 circles, ignore these because you are on user settings.

The second screen is for a BMV battery monitor, and you have the battery capacity showing there, which you need to input. There is no need to enter battery capacity in the MPPT.

Have you read all your manuals.

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Sorry late reply . Yeh the battery BMV battery monitor questions were related to see if i needed to enter my cheap battery as a custom set up in the settings since app dont display that and since the app keept disconnecting i was going to get 1 so i can see whats going on.
Yes i read the 61 page pdf manual download most days, I was reading it before i had the new mppt,trouble was i was reading all other info about and confused the heck out of me…

Anyways a good update----- turned on 8am , just turned off 4.20pm only because some trees need a chop and system worked as it should,mostly blue sky but few clouds about and had no ugly spikes , went to 13.69 and back to float which it stayed in all day,6 hours 50mins,didnt stay in bulk or absorption for duration thats set but was getting 3 amps & 27v from the PV, , App did stop couple times late afternoon but worked best its been today. 500Wh non stop,so thats teliing me bit of fine tuning and i might be happy lol,yip get mad which dont help
Again thanks for the replys of help , @Clark & @pwfarnell & @lxonline :+1:

Added couple screenshots from today

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Looking at your install pics I cannot see the battery negative lead from MPPT to Battery. It may be due to the viewpoint from which the pic was taken. Should not be using the unit’s earth connection for -ve lead if that is the case.

Secondly, the battery is a bit undersized relative to the panel capacity so as others have pointed out, reasonable to limit charging current to about 0.2C. The relatively small battery is going to exhibit larger faster voltage swings in response to solar inputs and consumer loads than if, for example, a 100 Ah battery was used.

The bluetooth transmitter has limited range and even less when shielded by cables and metal enclosures/panels. This might be a cause of your sporadic connection but the unit should continue to operate and record data even when your phone is not connected. The mppt unit (and bluetooth) should remain powered on when connected to the battery. If it is powering off when the PV is shaded then you do not have proper continuity with the battery.

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Hi and thank you for advice
Earth coming off mppt goes outside to chassis, it was from previous EPEVER mppt set up
Negative battery lead goes into a breaker first then goes to mppt,another goes to inverter, its like that so i can turn off any part of the system and use it for a main battery on off, I know its not a correct battery isolation switch and have some new stuff coming including another main DC solar PV isolation switch. I did buy one off a trademe site but seller overseas and cant send till 20th Feb, bugger that so another on the way from fazcorp. Been waiting all week for the other so pretty annoying,
Yip i probably got the worst battery but its what the budget could afford at the time .its nearly done over 1 & 1/2 years of only solar use and its goin to have to do bit more yet,batterys have gold prices here and not cheap but always looking, heck my car has bigger one so even thought of doin a swap
Ok ill lower the charging current, i did think 10a was bit high for the poor thing
Small inline fuse on positive side of battery just led light , used to use the load off EPEVER mppt so now the leds are direct to neg and pos
Added some cheap batterys in pic, phew
Thanks appreciate the info

Added another pic,got some new wire protection to tidy wires up led dimmers for each LED,both have 72led lights ,main light is 1 mtr long,small light 350 long but super bright and use next to to no power when dimmed now wired up

,now back to waiting for da courier with me dc isolation switch
Yip theres a smart battery monitor on the battery for the charger that santa forgot for when not in use for a while

Ok another question please. First dc switch i buy got cancelled or i still be waiting.
I got this other suntree 4 pole and enclosure for it but 2 things bug me bad.
Firstly the dial is tight and feels like its going to snap something inside when turning on and off and makes me not want to install it.
Also am i right in marking number 1 and 2 as picture show’s as positive unlike AC switches having positive direct inline with each other, instructions are minimal and no marking on the 4 pole itself :man_shrugging:
As can see in other pic i got my old pv wana be off on switch might get stuck back to the wall till i get another pv isolation switch that feels nice to use,not a tight over wound spring which feel auckward and im tempted to open it up to see why.
It does have made in china on but purchased from Fazcorp NZ (solar company)

Sitting on my hands so i dont touch nothing or buy anything , off my hands and going to buy another,this just not right
Thanks again