New Victron User

Hi all new user to the Victron range and looking for best settings to use for 12v only system,added some pics of before set up with EPEVER and mt50 and new set up with 100/30 mppt ,only using a single lead battery, (specs in picture). Have only turned on without PV on because unsure of what settings should be,lots of info about but it all varys so dont want to turn pv on untill settings are safe .
Any input greatly appreciated,the dimmer for led light not wired yet , my devices used are 42inch tv 60w and only 30w cooler on occasion ,system only used in the day time and use main power a night but i wont power up the pv till i know what setting to use so i dont over volt the battery which is what the EPEVER mppt was doin with 12 user settings,it was to slow to react when sun reappears from cloud and kept getting over battery voltage from the spike so any help please on correct 12v settings
Thank you


And is it safe to turn on system while using no power , i ask because i never have, i only turn system on after turning tv on first before the PV input
Its how ive always turn it on with the EPEVER set up ,i dont want to turn on if something goin to cook without drawing some current out of it first
Over cautious

Got keen and turned on pv ,its nearly dark so amps were low but nothing blew up
Another test tomorrow , battery stayed at 12.5v

Your 100/30 charge controller is well oversized for the system, but leaves plenty of room for expansion!

Notice the charge current is set at 2A, which seems a little low. A lead acid battery should be able to charge at around 25% of aH rating, so you should be able to safely set it at 10A I would have thought. (Edit - just looked again at your solar panel and it won’t deliver more than 8A or so anyway)

I’m sure others with more experience will add to this later.

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Thank you i will change that,was unsure so stuck it at 2a. I know the battery is cheap and nasty , even all specs i searched there was no specific number, it just vary between trickle chargers saying between 2a and 8a so i went 2a to be safe .
Yip it was a cheap panel, full sun with the EPEVER was between 1.2a to just over 2amp but just with me tv going the battery sat on 13.3 and voltage only drop if cloud come past to 12.4 and if the sun come out suddenly the EPEVER woukd spike so im looking forward to what happens tomorrow
I did only buy lower voltage components because i dont have much to power and because the battery won’t run much except led lights all night i just use main power and use the solar only in the day
Thank you i appreciate the info . I learnt the EPEVER mppt now to learn the victron

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@Clark the solar panel produces 8.3A at 24V = 200W, when converted to 12V it can deliver 16A, so your suggestion of limiting to 10A is a good one.

@1969 see note above, the output limit can be increased to 8A or at very most 10A. Your other settings are OK but I would consider reducing the float to 13.6V.


Excellent thank you doin it now

Todays update
First turn of it did bulk charging, then absorption and then hit float so that was good and stayed steady with the 42"60w tv going,it suddenly went real overcast and voltage drop like normal and went into bulk charge like it should , the sun would come and go every couple seconds which i not like and dont think system liked it either so i turn off main PV being cautious i suppose---- at the time this happened the bluetooth dropped out and keept at 20% trying to connect again so i closed app and reconnect to it ,
No warnings except the whys the charging stopped which normal for no PV input so dont know why it dropped out of conection to app
Bottom graf show when clouds hit ,i turn off pv about 2mins later due to loss of app conection and didn’t know what was goin on

If you go into expert mode there is a setting called Re-bulk voltage offset. The section of the manual below explains this.

Try increasing this a bit to stop it going back into bulk as easily. The thing with your system is it can go from charge to discharge so that can give large voltage swings.

Re-bulk voltage offset

This setting sets the re-bulk voltage offset. This offset voltage is used to determine when a charge stage stops and the bulk stage starts again, i.e. the charge cycle resets and starts at the first charge stage again.

The re-bulk voltage is calculated by adding the re-bulk voltage offset to the lowest voltage setting (normally this is the float stage).

An example: If the re-bulk offset is set at 0.1V and the float voltage at 13.8V, the charge cycle will restart once the battery voltage drops below 13.7V (13.8 minus 0.1) for one minute.

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Ok thank you, ill go investigating, everything was working so good till that point
I went from 0.10v to 0.11v

You need more than that, I have mine set to 0.4V to stop this cycling, just going to 0.11V will.not change any behaviour. I should have said this before.

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Ok now at 0.04v setting. Ill turn things back on now most cloud has moved

I hope you mean 0.4V not 0.04V as written in your reply.

Does it need to be 0.4 . This how it display or do it go lower in setting
It was bulk but been in absorption for a bit now and not hit float yet

I said increase it from default of 0.1V and that 0.4V works on my system. You have decreased it to 0.04V which will make it cycle even more.

Oh crap ok i turn off now and do setting

In that setting it has 0.01v is lowest it go and cant get it to display just 0.4v
It only give 0.01v and upwards in the setting.i can get 0.04v but not just 0.4v
What am i doin wrong . I understand what your saying but it wont do it like that
Is 0.04v different from 0.4v

Ok might have figured that out,i leave my setting of 0.04v but the absorption time was set over 1 hour…i can just reduce that time to 10 or 15 mins or more so absorption time not so long and gets to float faster
Does that sound workable . Ill try a 10min time on absorption

Set absorption time for 10min but didnt even take that long to go into float mode
Due to full sun again, everything seems ok but will keep eye on things when cloud returns . Holding steady

Well all was good rest of the day,.once i learn bit more and fine tune it should be pretty sweet,slowly gaining bit of trust in it …340Wh ,its a start
Thank you @pwfarnell for helping , much appreciated all info

Just add tell me if im doin something wrong , i only know basics so dont be shy to say i need this or that or change something ,
Did just buy this DC solar disconnect so be adding that instead if using a 2 pole breaker like my others.It works but j knew it new it not right
Thanks again