New Victron User

I have three of these type of isolators, and they all feel like an ‘overwound spring’ as you describe it. Just the way they work - some sort of interlock I guess, so nothing to worry about there.

Plenty of wiring diagrams for these courtesy of Google. Attached is one for reference. You only need the 2 pole in series wiring for your size of system
879ee161-5321-4499-91e0-19ca68d19786.pdf (476.5 KB)

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Cool thanks yeh it feels terrible to use
Thanks for info i been searching and got bit confused because the diagram on the switch are numbered different from the numbers on the switch as shown in me pictures so didnt know what to do except look again for the first pv switch i brought but didnt want to wait till 20th feb for him to send it when he back in NZ
Thanks again for that info this new switch was $ 80 but ill hook it up and give it a try

Ok back for someone to check this ok
Not yet connected to solar PV or mppt at the moment. But did i do this neg and pos as per diagram show for 2 pole .
Edit,ill check pv power tomorrow with multimeter to check before i conect to mppt to see if got current or not
Gezz losing my memory lol

Oh see i forgot to mention this suntree housing only came with the screw hole grommets and i dont have anything large that size so i turned it upside down so the 2 holes at the bottom and drilled 2 holes in the back for pv wires and its spaced out from the wall with 10mm spacers so pv wires are free and not squashed in any way and for now run both out 1 bottom hole,i will get some proper fittings for that
Thanks again and if this wrong tell me , :+1:

Don’t switch that on! I think you have your connections cross wired :scream:

Pretty sure circuit is made across 1&2 and 3&4

In your example red in 1&2 and black in 3&4

Get your multimeter across the terminals and check before you reconnect.

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:scream: yip it was late and mind was struggling to do simple task, not sure whats wrong with me lately.
Yip definitely had wire crossed but sorted now and checked that pv current goes on and off which it does so that was lucky thank you,
I did buy another PV isolation , a 2 pole 63a in switch form inside a box pre cabled just as spare incase i not like using this one,sure takes some twist pressure to turn on and off but it works which us the main thing, i guess its related to the clear spring loaded door on the front which is a right pain to open so i can see that coming off, i want to be able to get access to the switch ,not fight to get in there
Thanks again
All back together, took the super spring loaded door off the pv isolation box,or i should say human finger mouse trap, now rest my brain

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Another pic , got bored,everything working well , I think i need a new board to screw everything to it again :man_mechanic:

Got bored again changed out my 3 switch boxs to a 6 pole enclosure box and added another 10amp inline fuse,only get 3amps off the panel but just another safety item
Other 2 pole enclosure arrive but used to the suntree tough as nuts isolation switch now , more battery cables on the way so i can move battery and that probably make me redesign how things are, all works but dont like how things are configured due to cable length i have .
Might not seem like much but come long way since my first sad set up as seen in picture with the EPEVER and a cheap inverter that cooked when the EPEVER spiked , gezz i cringe looking at that lol, :rofl:

Question please
Are these inline fuses commonly used. I ask because i turn system on today and had NO pv input and since this is all i added i remove and systems all go again,it is only a 10amp but that shouldn’t stop it working correct unless blow or faulty
Uncle Google says inline fuse goes between pv and mppt , thats where i had it , weather it makes a difference or not before or after the dc iso switch, some say after the pv isolation before the mppt so guess i had it in wrong spot ,I binned it anyways

Just a update, yeh i know got a lot to learn but have learnt bit more since last post especially on this inline fuse which i never needed lol.
Anyways all been good till today, had full sun and only tv goin noticed when i look in app the old battery was struggling a bit like not goin above 12.3v in bulk charge cause i just turn on I got a victron battery monitor also and it was red flash not green,did restart during the day but with no load but dont trust battery now, normally already to float if not already floating at 13.6v , nothing been changed but notice about week ago some white residue on top of battery where its glued closed bein sealed, i wipe thinking it was dust in the join but notice it today same thing, i should have got pic but doin something and forgot before i wipe it again because im sure the battery was staring to leak .remind me of crystal starting to form, multimeter did read few different battery voltages so its knocking on heavens door.
Also in app when i tryed to see voltage and why the red light and lack of input to battery when solar volts was near 30v the info from app could not be viewed ,said something about after a restart the info was lost unlike other info thats saved and can view so something happened ( nothing blew up so that was good ) but would have liked to see the graph playback but nothing untill the next restart to find this info.
When i notice the low battery voltage i did turn the pv off first followed by inverter but left the mppt on to see info which was gone somewhere north,
Im pretty sure the cause of loss of info was battery given up well i hope it was,receipt is from 2023 for the battery ha so warranty bit out,its been busy and did i write all that sorry
Well moral of this story is looks like I’m battery hunting , $$$$$$$$$$$:face_with_head_bandage: cheapest i find so far is lithium 50amp 100ah at $ 499 instead of lead boat anchor batt, I can see another bank visit coming , buy cheap buy twice :see_no_evil: