Multiplus 48V 5000VA with Pelio batteries

Hello all, please I would like to have victron multiplus 48V 5000VA in three phase + 3x baterry Pylontech Pelio L-5.12, what is total 15,63kWh. This battery has discharge rate of 4500W ±continuously, not peak. Peak is even higher but that is not problem.
My question is, if I have 3x this battery with 3x multi 5000, can this be problem? I know I need more low discharge batteries, but this one battery is designed to have 4500W continuous discharge and so I would have 3x this battery with multis. I know my home will never demand higher than 10 000 - 12 000 watts and that is teoretical maximum when all appliances are turned on at the same time but that maybe never happens or just in rare conditions.
Can there be some problem I dont see now? I am just wondering but this seems good alternative to have more low discharge batteries to achieve such discharge rate and with this type of batteries I can achieve that with only 3x battery.
Thank you for ansver

Answer I find elsewhere is I can use this but it is better to use 1 more battery (4 pieces total of 400AH) as it will be better for battery life and performance with this setup.