Cerbo GX Mk2, no CAN2

Hi all,
I’ve running a new ESS with a Cerbo MK2 and there is no CAN2 available. Change of Firmware has no effect. In the moment, newest 3.54 ist running. No failure code is reported.
Last Saturday I talked to employees of TransWatt, the German Part of Victron Energy at the BOOT Düsseldorf, and we could reproduce this problem via VRM. They assured to forward this item to VE developers.

What exactly do you mean with that?
Can you add a screenshot?

Did they reproduce it with an other Cerbo?
Can you try to go back to the previous version?

If firmware is not fixing it it could be a hardware issue

It is for sure a hardware issue, that the firmware only tries to mask…

See here, where Victron admits that there is a hardware issue and they are already making modifications to the hardware itself.