Communication loss alarm not working

I am unable to get the loss of communication alarm between cerbo gx and vrm to work. Settings are - vrm logging enabled (all works well while router on) update interval 1 minute, ,Communication disconnected Alarm armed, notify after 120 seconds, so theoretically i should recieve a notification after 120 seconds of no comms between vrm and cerbo gx, i did a “test alarm” which worked (now i cannot find where the test is) also cannot find “alarm notification settings per user” where push and or both email and push notifications are defined. Basically trying to get vrm to notify me if the router is down.Thanks in advance

The alarm notification per user is found down the page from tha alarm notification on the VRM.
Vrm - install - settings - alarm rules.

You have toggle on or off for each user below the alarm rules.

Are you saying that page is not there on your install?

For your personal preferences navigation is (on all installations page)-
Back - preferences - notifications
There you toggle push and email notifications.

Thanks lx,
![Screenshot_20241009-194041_VRM (1)|225x500](upload://97sFcQmCx8qUzskvOyWdGAuQiyH.
Settings all ok and test notification works well but still no notification on loss comms

Still have not got this to work, loss of comms is important alarm to me and have tried everything i can think of, test alarm works fine. Anyone?