Cerbo MKII VE.Can 2 problems persist

The VE.Can 2 port issue persists with VenusOS 3.53, 3.54, and 3.60 Betas. As of this morning, I am running 3.60~21 on my MKII. I have two MPPT RS 450/200 connected to VE.Can 1 and seven Pytes batteries connected to VE.Can 2. Sometimes the system runs for a couple of days without problems and then other days it intermittently loses connection to the batteries and the grid kicks in to power the loads. At least my power isn’t going up and down. The batteries will come online usually in less than 10 seconds, drop off, come on, drop off, over and over until sometimes it just stops and then works ok for a couple of days.

It’s not a cabling issue, though I have tried several Type A BMS cables just to make sure.

For the heck of it, I switched back to Classic UI (on FW 3.60~21) and the problem stopped. This could just be a coincidence; I don’t know. I let it run for a while to see if it was stable (for now at least) and then switched back to the New UI. It was stable for about two minutes and then the battery started disappearing again. I have reverted back to Classic UI and it has remained stable for the last fifteen minutes.

I don’t understand why something labeled as a user interface would cause issues to CANbus communication. Shouldn’t I/O be handled at a lower level than the UI?

Here is a video of what happens when running the New UI: https://youtu.be/-JQd5glW29w

Probably because of the bigger load on the system when running the New-UI that will hinder the ability for the firmware to follow and compensate/mask the faults in the new hardware…

An underlying hardware fault is what I’m afraid of. Has there been anything posted that points to a hardware issue? Victron has been mum on that, but I suspect it.

There have been a few posts about firmware and of firmware hasn’t sorted it to send the unit for rma.

See Guys answer

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I’ll pull another MKII out of inventory and see if the new UI will work properly on it, and if so, file an RMA to replace it. To be honest, I’d prefer it be a HW issue. I’m tired of apologizing to customers about all the issues we’ve had with 3.5x. At least for most of them once we got them up to 3.53 their problems ended. Most customers I’ve kept on 3.4x unless they are technically savvy.

Sorry. I don’t mean to sound so negative. I’m not used to the variety of Victron quality issues lately. I guess it’s just a lot of change at once.

It is a hardware problem and Victron admits it and already making a new hardware revision.
See here: CAN communication problems on Venus OS 3.5x? - #4 by guystewart

You have the choice to stick with the older firmware.
Have a set of firmware for installations where you don’t want issues.

Most customers are happy with that. But the ones who have seen the new UI understandably want it. Thanks to you and Alex for the pointers. I don’t have a lot of time to spend on the community and I miss a lot. Thanks again!

No worries. There is a bit of excitment over the new ui

There is still something happening to deal with it. Was just reading the thread for beta testing and it mentions status reporting for the can 2.