4 Installations made by my me this year (France)

My laboratory (3 phases with Multiplus II - PV 5775Wc - 42kWh storage) (not yet finished, always evolving for material testing…)

First cutsomer (3 phases with Multiplus II - 4 solar yield for 11500Wc - 30KWh storage)

Before closing

After closing

Second customer (mono phase with two Multiplus II - PV 7410Wc - 10KWh storage)

Before closing

After closing

Third customer (mono phase with two Multiplus II - PV 4980Wc - 10KWh storage)

Before closing

After closing


Jolies installations, apparemment tu as des bons prix sur le cuivre :wink:

Les barres de cuivre sont moins chères que tu ne le penses. (Barres cuivre et accessoires)
Cela permet de réduire les longueurs de câbles, meilleure répartition de l’énergie, meilleure dissipation thermique.
J’utilise des vis laiton pour les barres de distribution.

Very nice, clean and compact setup, I like the idea of going just below the Multipluses with the white channels and grey distributions!

But did I miss the Victron- and safety-mandatory DC fuses which are able to cut the high LiIon short-circuit-currents ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I integrated them into each batteries. Batteries are LiFePo4.

Effectivement, ce site est très intéressant, merci @patrick pour le tuyau!

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I like the bus bar built in to the trunking in your first installation. Did you make that yourself or is that a product you purchased?

It’s a purchased product. I’ll take some detailed pictures and give you the web link within the next few days (acutally on business outgoing), as well as the DIY details. I did the same setup with the ‘first customer,’ but it’s easy to do it yourself.

Thanks :+1:

“Share” is all we have :wink:

Découvrez la configuration de CleanTech Controls ! Ils ont une approche fantastique pour les dégagements de tableaux électriques, qui est assez similaire au processus que je suis. C’est super de voir une méthode solide en action

Nice style!


Very nice. However pay attention to DC cable lenght. Some pairs are not equal lenght.

Nice idea to integrate the high-short-circuit current fuses into batteries instead of busbar.

But doesn’t Victron also prescribe individual fuses for the Multiplusses and chargers, between the Victron equipment and the busbar, sized to their prescribed amperage ?
(only on the + side and in all cases not the - side, as the com-ports GND are not galvanically insulated from the - on the Multiplusses)