360~15 How to get a Virtual PV (Node-Red) to show connected?

Hoi Matthijs,

I am excited to see the new virtual devices option in node-red , so I can finally replace the python scripts currently running. Running 3.60~15 now and configured a virtual pvinverter.

How do I get the inverter to show connected? Is this measurement missing from the custom control node?

Ps. Love the new DVCC manage battery controls. And awesome to be able to control the extra multiplus now!

Apologies, I should have opened a new topic.


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Greetings, the Virtual Device will show as connected when it receives data. You will need to use the custom input nodes for that

Many thanks for your response. I believe the virtual PV Inverter is setup correctly. I also do see data presented in V2 GUI and VRM. However it’s still listed as disconnected. So not sure what I am missing.

It’s dark out here right now, so power is 0. But you get the point.

Very interesting. I tested on my system seems fine. One thing I did notice is having to many decimals affects the virtual device. Are you able to round to 1 or 0 decimal places?

There is no difference in behaviour, tested by rounding to 1 and 0 decimals. Still shows “Not connected”.

Interesting, have you tried rebooting?

I have opened an issue at GitHub, and this scheduled to be fixed in 1.6.12.