
joem-h avatar image
joem-h asked

Solar MPPT 75 / 10 App voltage reading higher that measured

Hi I have 2 12V batteries to give me 24Vdc. I am running unit and the measured voltage is 25.3 V but the app is reading 27.58 Vdc! I changed the setting on the app as the distributor told me, and can't understand why this is not reading correct. Please help

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is this happening when pv is connected and working?

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joem-h avatar image joem-h Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Yea, they are connected and getting about 42v off although no charging, I guess because the battery state is just in float. I did have 1 solar panel as was told it was OK, before realising it needed 2. I can turn off master switch to the unit and it changes nothing.
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ joem-h commented ·
It seems like there is a disconnection somewhere between the battery and the MPPT. A fault ot a fuse is open?

The MPPT is happily sitting at it target Float Voltage of 27.6V but the battery Voltage is lower because it is not being charged. That is why opening the master switch makes no difference.
Please check connections and fuses between the MPPT and battery.

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1 Answer
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi Joem-h , the voltage you are reading around 27,6VDC is related to the "float" voltage mode, everything is ok and absolutely normal.


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