
ricardo-figueira avatar image
ricardo-figueira asked

Smartsolar 100/50

Hi community. I am using a 100/50 smartsolar mppt controller and 2 rwo 370 w and Voc 46.9 V VOC panels connected in series. Those two panels have a total VOC voltage of 93,80 V. I have got a 7% margin to the Mppt limit input. Do you think it is safe on my controller?

Thank you

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Remember that those ratings are at 25˚C. If it gets colder then the Voc will be higher.
I don't know which PV modules you are using, but using typical values, your Voc wil go above 50V per module at 15˚C (more than 100V for the series string) which will exceed the 100V limit of your controller.
What is your battery Voltage? If it is 12V or 24V then you could connect the two PV modules in parallel and then you would keep well below the 100V limit.

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ricardo-figueira avatar image ricardo-figueira commented ·

Thanks for your help. I have read the manual many times and It says that if the input power (voltage) is higher than the limit (100 volts) it will limit it to those numbers (100 volts). We all know that some solar controllers and other itens have a certain margin/tolerance on their limits. My question is:will it limit the input to 100 volts or will it damage it (the mppt 100/50 smartsolar controller)?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ricardo-figueira commented ·
First the MPPT will shut down if the voltage gets higher than 100V and will be damaged at some point.
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ricardo-figueira avatar image ricardo-figueira Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Thanks for your answer. As you can see from the controller manual, it only says that if more PV power is connected, the controller will limit input power (to 100 volts). It does not mention damaging or shutting down. Thanks 16241402890252877164893189742412.jpg

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ricardo-figueira commented ·

"If more PV power is connected, the controller will limit input power."

Power is Watt not Volt.

The 100V is a hard limit and must not be exceed.

The MPPT will shut down at 100,1V and will be destroyed if the voltage will rise more.

To be safe you should connect the panels in parallel or use a MPPT with 150V input voltage.

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ricardo-figueira avatar image ricardo-figueira Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Thanks for your very helpful response. I will do exactly that
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

If the input power in Watts is higher than the MPPT controller rating in Watts it will limit the power, voltage is not power, you are confusing different things.

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ricardo-figueira avatar image ricardo-figueira pwfarnell commented ·
I am not... Voc is measured in volts... That 100 number is volts...we are talking about the controller maximum input...not talking about the maximum limit wattage that the controller can manage...
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