
flyingdonkey avatar image
flyingdonkey asked

Smart Solar MPPT 100/15 odd behavior

Currently have a MPPT 100/15 connected up to a 24v LifePO4 battery and 500w solar array. Running firmware version v1.56. Also have a Smart Battery Sense v1.05

I am using the load terminals to control an inverter, and have the Load Output set to "User def. algorithm 1" with a high switch level of 29.6v and a low voltage switch level of 24.0v.

I have removed the jumper and streetlight mode is off.

The "Load Output" in VictronConnect is randomly On/Off and showing 0w Power, even though the inverter is on and has load on it.

If I totally power down the MPPT and bring it back online it will sometimes show, sometimes wont. It will also randomly show a value (while state is off), but it will be like 30w, when I know the load is around 100w.

The low voltage cutoff also isn't working, so it will never switch the load off when the battery goes below the threshold set, which means the batteries internal BMS kicks in and shuts the battery down. Which interestingly still outputs a couple of volts, kicking the inverter into alarm mode (because the load output of the MPPT seems to still remain on when there is extremely low battery voltage (2.0v)

Any thoughts? Is it likely a faulty unit?

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
flyingdonkey avatar image
flyingdonkey answered ·

Another thing I noticed today was that even when the battery is full and charger is in float mode, if I add a load, the consumption stays at 0 (says load is off) and the watts going into the battery increases, even though it still says float.

So it appears as if it is putting the load watts onto the charger metric, and the load is actually on, even though connect says its off.

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