
hideanni avatar image
hideanni asked

SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 does not load (bulk). „Status: off“

My MPPT 75/15 is on but the lamp is blinking blue and does not load since two weeks. Status says „off“ (like night mode)

What can I do?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Usually Victron connect app gives the reason for the charger being off though, with some troubleshooting steps. Have you used it?

An example of our 75/15 below - it is night here so we are not charging.


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hideanni avatar image
hideanni answered ·

Hi there, thanks for your answer. The Screenshot you sent is the same I see when opening the app. It does not give an explicit reason, it is just in general. Two weeks ago it was charging with no problem.
Is there any other option?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

If there are no error codes in the app and you have changed nothing on your setup, then you need a physical check.

Is the fuse ok?

What is your PV voltage during the day? Is it getting past the required 5v above the battery voltage to start up?

Does the app read both the battery and the PV voltage? Did you verify the readings with a meter both at the mppt terminals and at the battery and the panels?

Do you have smart batteries and has the BMS shutdown on its own?

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