
radu avatar image
radu asked

MPPT 75/15 with 100Ah EA1000 battery and 100W solar panel shows 0W

Hi folks,

I set up a brand new anvironment, so all components are brand new - the battery is not.

Howver I attached everything, but I'm still seeing 0W on the app's display... I have the settings of the battery on "gel victron deep discharge(2)", Any idea what'S wrong with it? The voltage of the battery is under 12, so it's not full.

Many thanks in advance!

MPPT SmartSolar
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Other than the fact that the battery may be dead.

If the solar is not at least 5v above battery voltage then reverse polarity on pv

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radu avatar image
radu answered ·

Many thanks Alexandra! I would say, the battery is not really dead, my fridge works with it for two days, also my notebook and monitor. However, it might be something between... I connected it now to my other 24V battery and that combination seems to be better.

The solar voltage with the 12V battery was around 42V and the battery voltage was 12V. I will reconnect today the 12V, let's see if I can reproduce the issue.

But thanks again!!!

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radu avatar image
radu answered ·

I read that already in the manual, but the solar voltage I saw was 40V. The battery was on 12, so there are more then 5V between...

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Gotta screenshot from victron connect with those readings?

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