
jenray4 avatar image
jenray4 asked

Smart Solar 100/50

We have the Smart Solar 100/50 charge controller and below is a screen shot of the last few days charging. We have about 620 watts/50amps maximum of solar power and the most we have seen being input on a moderately warm sunny day is 16amps Into 2 120amp lithium batteries. We are finding that the controller is only keeping the batteries on bulk for approx 2hrs, then switches to absorption for approx 2hrs and then goes onto float for the rest the of the day, which to my understanding the batteries should be almost fully charged when they go onto float. However if we plug in our power source and look on our Victron 240v charger it states they are only about 1/4 charged which means we are having to run our generator to bulk them up which is not ideal. Would appreciate any ideas they anyone has.

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

this will all depend on the battery type you have selected and the absorption time thats allocated in the setting or you can override these settings as well

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jenray4 avatar image
jenray4 answered ·

Thankyou Paul hopefully sorted just worked out how to change the absorption volts so will see how it goes

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