
jb54 avatar image
jb54 asked

MPPT wired paralell


I whish add a second solar panel to an existing one (MPPT 100/30, 2 solar panels in serial and a set of 3 batteries 12 v AGM in paralell). The new line would be also a MPPT 100/30 with two panel and wired to the same batteries set. I wonder if doing so would not make the controllers hunting each other and what should I do to avoid this and get their load mode (float, bulk..) synchronized


MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

If they are SmartSolar chargers (with built-in Bluetooth), you can use VE.Smart Networking for synchronized charging.

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jb54 avatar image jb54 commented ·


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