
Martin Coetzee avatar image
Martin Coetzee asked

ESS assistant disappeared and will not load again.

I noticed when on my one install that battery was full and there is no essential and non essential loads anymore. I tried to check the settings on the ESS but says assistant not loaded.

Remotely check and all settings are still there. I reloaded the settings remotely and it says successful but still no ESS .

Anyone have any ideas ?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Martin Coetzee

Is this on the gx device? It may have updated or possibly corrupted.

Did you try reboot the device?

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Martin Coetzee avatar image Martin Coetzee Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Its not showing on teh GX device and when i go to remote console it says no ESS loaded.

Batteries are just staying full and its not even using PV for loads. Its not in passthrough.

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Martin Coetzee,

I do not know what is going wrong with your system. But this would be my troubleshooting procedure to try and find out.

The ESS assistant of the GX device is read from the Multi.

So if there is a connection issue between the Multi and GX, then this would be one of the symptoms. It would most likely be there are other symptoms too though. I would watch closely and inspect all the data that is available in the GX menu for the Multi, is it all otherwise accurate and current?

If it is, then the connection is likely ok between the GX and the Multi.

Then the next place to check is the Multi itself.

I would physically restart the Multi and GX device. Switch it off and then back on again. Then check to see if ESS is back in the Menu.

If it is still not there,

The ESS assistant must be loaded in VE.Configure (or remote VE.Configure). If you confirm that the ESS assistant is already there. Then I would remove it, send the updated config file without it, reboot the unit.

Then I would add the assistant again fresh.

If it still is not working, I would then bring both GX device, and Multi up to date with the latest firmware (this will require adding the ESS assistant and other settings again in the Multi).

Once all that is done - I would expect it to be working.

If not, I would submit for an RMA on the Multi and GX device, and then let the dealer to work out the details from there.

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Martin Coetzee avatar image Martin Coetzee commented ·

Thankyou I have tried most of that, i am going to site tomorrow and will update firmware on Invertor , the rest i did remotely. That should clear whatever is corrupted. I will then reinstall The ESS assistant and see what it does.

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