
wcn00 avatar image
wcn00 asked

Some info regarding the MK3 rj48 (ehternet) to USB adapter

I wanted to connect my Multi Plus to a raspberry pi I use for minitoring temperature and controlling fans etc, but despite examining the protocol doc and experimenting for hours I couldn't get it to work. It just kept sending version frames.

To make a long story short: the MK3 interface came with a patch cable to go from it to the Multi Plus, which I used. However on closer examination I see that it only maps 4 pins! So I replaced it with an ethernet patch cable and voila! it started to work. And the pc based VictronConnect and VC Configure programs could connect as well.
I remember that I originally configured this unit on my workbench where I must not have used that cable.

So beware the useless patch cable delivered with your MK3 adapter!

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·


Originally the MK3 doesn't come with a RJ45 cable, in the package is only the MK3.

Wherever you bought you MK3 they must have added the RJ45 cable into the original package.

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wcn00 avatar image
wcn00 answered ·

I got it off amazon, but I don't know the vendor. There's always the possiblility that this thing came out of my patch cord bucket this way, but I can't imagine why I'd have a cable like that.
Thanks for getting back. I'm getting on well with the interface now and the pi updates my database regularly with stats that I will use to keep track of the health of the batteries.


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alan avatar image
alan answered ·

Without even looking at any pinouts for VE.Bus etc, I doubt that the cable is useless.
Ethernet only needs 2 pairs (4 wires to run at 100Mb).

I’ve seen some vendors supplying cables like this.
While it’s probably 2c worth of copper thats saved, 2c x say 3million units is $60k

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