
hiteshrama avatar image
hiteshrama asked

MultilusII/Smart MPPT 250/85

Hi, I have a MultiplusII inverter with a 250/85 charge controller. The system has about 5200W panels though only produces around 3000W supply. We don't seem to generating further to supplement additional loads. and access energy to charge the batteries (pylontech on the CAN Bus). Is there a setting I can look at?

MPPT SmartSolar
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You might have panels that add up to 5200 watts and if thats at 48 volts system, as a example a 250/85 smart solar will only pass a max of 4080watts at 48 volts, if the system is 24 volts then thats 2040 watts

for a 5200 watt set of panels to me it looks like the panels are under producing.or the smart charger is to small for the job.

2 |3000

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