
Deon avatar image
Deon asked

SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev2 - Settling wrongly on 2/3 of optimal power curve

I have 16 x 400W CS panels in 4 strings connected to a SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev2 , Firmware revision 3.02 (Latest). The MPPT unit is part of a 48V 5kW Easysolar Panel (Upgraded from the standard 150/100 unit by the Victron installation team).

In full sun shine, the MPPT settles on a wrong ~3.2kW power level. After we pull the PV fuses to reset the power input level and close them again, it settles correctly on the expected ~5kW level.

Measurements confirms all 4 strings contribute equally to both power levels, there is no blocking of one string, for instance.

What can the problem be?

We need to reset the PV level every morning when it is full sunshine, interestingly when there are clouds and the solar input varies, the MPPT settles on the higher power level when the sun comes through. (similar to us pulling the fuses)

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Deon Hello Deon, I have sent you an email about your question

best regards
Martijn Coster
Victron Energy

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