
wkirby avatar image
wkirby asked

Why isn't the battery using all available capacity in ESS?

I have noticed that ESS does not use the full capacity of the battery.
Does anyone know the reason for this?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Are they self managed / smart batteries?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

If you find the system will not full discharge the batteries while connected in ESS mode,

Try reducing the sustain voltage settings and Dynamic Cut-off settings in the ESS assistant on the Multi, configurable with VEConfigure.

This can all be done remotely, if the system is internet connect via Remote VEConfigure.

Let me know if you need me to expand any further on any of those details (or how to change them).

Also if you want maximum possible cycle depth (at the expense of blackout storage capacity) I would recommend changing the ESS mode to Optimised Self Consumption (without battery life) with a managed lithium battery. This can be done in the ESS menu on a GX device.

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bkvanduk avatar image bkvanduk commented ·

What is the minimum acceptable value for the dynamic cut off and sustain voltages if I use Pylontech US2000C batteries?

My systems are going to sustain before they reach the min SoC set to 10%.

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bkvanduk avatar image bkvanduk markus ♦♦ commented ·
I know that link, thanks! But can I change it, or it's not allowed?
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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ bkvanduk commented ·
These are the working settings for your battery proofed by thousands of installations. If you have problems with exactly these settings set up, the problem will most likely be elsewhere.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ bkvanduk commented ·

You have said nothing of the discharge current at this time.

If you are hitting the voltage limits then you are already beneath the minimum for the battery or you have a high rate of discharge.

You can't tune your way out of this, you would appear to have less battery than you actually need.

As has been said before, if the settings aren't working in your install, the problem is elsewhere, most likely incorrectly sized.

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bkvanduk avatar image bkvanduk nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
I'll check the discharge current. But there are no limit set.

Regarding this issue, the strange thing is it works without issues if the systems are installed with Pylon US2000 plus modules and has issues with Pylon US2000C modules.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ bkvanduk commented ·

If it is correctly setup the pylon BMS will appear on your GX and have a parameters section which sets all the limits.

Like the attached which is a bank of 4 pylons.


DVCC will be forced on and the pylontech BMS will be setup as the battery monitor etc.

Please follow the guide mentioned earlier which has all the setup steps.

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bkvanduk avatar image bkvanduk commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) If my system is installed with Pylontech US2000C battery modules, what is the minimum value I can set as sustain voltage and as Dynamic cut off?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ bkvanduk commented ·
The settings are documented in the link sent above. If you deviate from the supported configuration it may well affect your battery warranty.

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