
grahamf avatar image
grahamf asked

Smartsolar 100/30 Faulty?

Suddenly appear to have a controller problem. 2 x 160 panels in parallel. Output normally well in to 200w+ range, even over 300w on odd occasions. Smartsolar showing very low wattage much of the time despite clear (Algarve) sun. If I go into settings and switch off then back on, panels show 20.16v 245w output but, within a few minutes, status drops as low as 1w and at the moment is cycling between 39w and 70w @ 19.73 volts, 2.1A charge. No clouds, orientation to the sun unchanged. Any ideas?

P.S. Controller light says "Float" but according to App it's in "Bulk" mode

MPPT SmartSolar
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

What is the battery voltage?

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1 Answer
grahamf avatar image
grahamf answered ·

It's 7pm here now so panel only showing 57w 3.3amps, battery 13.17v current 3.6a, App still says bulk charging whereas controller float light is on.

On a normal day, panel max 21.15v yield 1kw+. Battery max around 14.75v, min 12,4v.

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