
darrens1973 avatar image
darrens1973 asked

MPPT and String Configurations

Hi all, having just had an 8.35kwp PV system installed, I have a few niggling doubts in my mind. I believe I have 3 strings, one with 16 panels, and 2 with 4 panels on each. On the strings with 4 panels, I have one string with 2 panels orientated east and 2 to the west, and another string with 2 to the east and 2 to the south. I originally had optimisers fitted to these 2 stings but that fried 2 MPPTs so the installer removed them. My mind says that my string layout has now compromised my generation. Can anybody confirm this ?

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Hi, sorry there is not enough info on your system here. What PV inverter is it? Are you configuring for the PV itself or a Victron product? Does your PV inverter have two separate tracking systems for the different roof orientations?

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1 Answer
a-v avatar image
a-v answered ·

Hi Darrens1973,

My answer does not apply is you have a PV inverter.

If you charge your battery by DC directrly from the panels (i.e. you use MPPT chargers) you need a separate Victron MPPT chargers for each string facing different directons/angles/shades etc.

You can combine different Victron MPPT Chargers on the same battery bank.

To find the right MPPT chargers, you can use:

All the best,


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