
lawrence-craig avatar image
lawrence-craig asked

Should I get a bigger controller?

Hi there,

I have a SmartSolar Victron MPPT 100/20 with 2 x 175W Victron Panels.

I run a 12v system on a boat. I am mostly based in the Med in warm weather conditions.

Should I upgrade the MPPT controller to 100/30 or will the extra current only be generated at peak wattage and therefore be of little benefit?

Many thanks!

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You'd only really see the 350W in perfect conditions and +400W with cloud edge effects which last a few seconds. When it's hot in good sunshine you'd probably see 280 - 300W on average.
Unless you are missing essential Wh then you'd probably not benefit very much with a marginal 10A (120W max.) upgrade.

If you are planning to expand you PV array at any time, then an MPPT upgrade would be more worthwhile.

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