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miroslav-p asked

Solar charger state doesnt show the equalization status


my solar charger doesnt report the equalization state properly. I have lead-acid battery and I have set up the MPPT to perform regular equalization. So far it is working fine. When I check the MPPT physically it states the equalization phase on the LCD but when I check the MQTT output on the Venus GX (or VRM portal), it always show the state with value 4, i.e. Absorption. Any idea why is this happening?

I have 2 MPPTs (BlueSolar 150/70, firmware 2.05) in paralel (working) connected with VE.Can to Venus GX (firmware 2.53). There is also the Quattro and BMV-700 connected to Venus. For the solar charger state I use the "/State" dbus-obj-path. When equalizing by the Qauttro, the Quttro's state is correct.

Thank you,


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Victron MQTT readme