
orjolsen avatar image
orjolsen asked

Modbus/TCP error finding service


I have some troubles to with the PLC connected to the CCGX. Can anyone help?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerCCGX Color ControlModbus TCP
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1 Answer
frodes avatar image
frodes answered ·

Maybe @mvader (Victron Energy) knows the answer on this one?

2 |3000

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, I don't know what is wanted to be queried here. And the query seems to query 434 addresses at once?

I'd start with single register queries, and make sure to super closely read the explanation about register numbers and unit ids in the Modbus TCP documentation:

Hope that helps!

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frodes avatar image frodes mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you @mvader (Victron Energy).

We are trying to write to «Active input current limit» at address 22.

With a scalefactor = 10, the typed qty 434 will be the same as about 43 Ampere per phase. This value will be changed depending in which generator that are online. Function code 6 = «Write singel register» in modbus. We will look closer at the register numbers and unit-IDs, as you have suggested.

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frodes avatar image frodes frodes commented ·

We had incorrect unit-ID. It was set to 2 and the correct was 246. Now it works as it should.

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