
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

ESS reason codes: which are reported

Does anyone have a list of which of the 7 codes are actually reported?

I HAVE seen #1 (SOC Low) and #2 (BatteryLife active) but no others.

I believe I observed my system in "slow charge" mode yet I never saw reason code #5. Conditions: SOC less than the minimum value, Multi in Bulk mode and AC input current around 50 watts, Battery Life enabled.

I have not found a way to trigger reason codes #6 and #7. Is there a setting for these somewhere?

The reason I'm asking is I am implementing some GUI changes that display ESS "Reason codes" as text (not just #1, #2, etc.) specified in the ESS Manual.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ยท

@Kevin Windrem

Section 6.5 ESS Battery Status Reason Code Numbers

The key for these codes is:

  • #1: SOC is low
  • #2: BatteryLife is active
  • #3: BMS disabled charging
  • #4: BMS disabled discharge
  • #5: Slow Charge in progress (part of BatteryLife, see above)
  • #6: User configured a charge limit of zero.
  • #7: User configured a discharge limit of zero.

#1 and 2 are the most common codes seen. This person has seen #6 by setting it to zero under system setup.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ยท

Thanks. I tried the suggestion for #6 using dbus-spy and it does work. There's also a parameter that should also trigger #7 but that didn't seem to work.

Can anyone explain #5 Slow Charge? I believe I've seen the conditions that should trigger it (see original post) but reason code #5 never appeared. If under those conditions, I set the ESS mode to "keep batteries charged", the AC input power does increase to bulk charge the batteries at the charging limit so the system is throttling charging. Just not sure if this qualifies for "slow charge".

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